Have you been looking to bring playfulness, intimacy, health and joy into your relationships? Does the idea of having access to a daily massage with someone you care about sound totally amazing? Does the idea of bringing a deeper quality of freedom, fulfillment and care in your relationships sound awesome…
We are offering therapeutic massage classes for partners. Ideal for duos who are interested in learning the art of giving and receiving healing massage. Grab your partner, spouse, friend, neighbor or anyone who loves massage like you do and join us in an interactive group setting.
Partners Massage class 101-(5 hours) Learn some basic anatomy, get some practice giving and receiving massage and receive specific one-on-one coaching designed to empower you and your partner in addressing your personal chronic injuries or areas of interest. You will also be taught techniques and skills and practices to allow you both to massage each other for long term proactive health. Gain agility in navigating possible common breakdowns and barriers that arise from a unique partnered commitment of giving and receiving massage.
By class end you will…
- Be present to the distinction of intention.
- Be skilled in a number of beginner massage techniques.
- Know some cool quick (therapeutic) massage party tricks.
- Be present to the importance of CLEAR communication as it pertains to touch.
- Be able to help massage your partner skillfully in two bodily areas of interest(therapeutic).
- Have the skills necessary to be able to trade massage with your partner on a regular basis.
Advanced Partners Class-(5 hours, Partners 101 as prerequisite) A deeper look into the experience of partnered massage in action that includes advanced massage techniques, fine tuning of sessions to meet desired results for both partners and an open discussion of experienced accomplishments and breakdowns. This class is designed for those partners with a desire to gain even MORE pleasure and healing from each other through a commitment to trade massage several days a week.
By class end you will…
- Know what it will take to commit to a massage trade with your partner 4-7 days a week.
- Be refined in beginner massage techniques
- Have been introduced to some advanced massage techniques.
- Have participated in what is possible through regular massage with your partner!!!
- Be inspired by the potential of how incredible you could function and feel with daily massage being a given in your life.
- Have a plan of action to accomplish the goals you create with your partner.
Reiki Certification Classes
Reiki I Class
1 Day class for 6 hours. $500
Reiki II Class
1 Day Class for 6 hours $500
Reiki III Class
1 Day Class for 6 hours $500